Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Learning God's Language

Did you know that God still speaks?
Did you know that He wants to speak to you specifically?
He really does!! 

One of the questions we always ask is (one basic question in a few forms)... How do I hear God’s voice?  How does He speak?  How do I know it’s God?  What if it’s just me?

But I’m so confident in God’s ability to speak, and in His giving us the ability to communicate with Him, that I know if you or I ask Him a question, He will answer!  The easiest question to ask Him and hear an answer for is often along the lines of, “How do you see me?  What do you think about me? How do you feel about me?”  Whatever the first encouraging thing is that comes to mind, that’s God speaking to you.  We tend to think, “Oh, I’m just trying to make myself feel good about myself.”  But if that’s not normally what you think and what you say about yourself in your head, then there’s no reason that you would start saying that to yourself now!

Learning to hear God’s voice is like learning a new language.  It takes some practice and getting familiar with the “sound” of His voice.  When you learn another language, all the sounds seem to be muddled together at first.  It’s hard to tell where one word ends and the next begins!  But it gets easier, and there are fewer and fewer instances of misunderstanding.  Even in our first language, we sometimes hear things wrong, but that doesn’t mean we don’t understand the language and can’t communicate!  So even as we grow in hearing, recognizing, and understanding God’s voice, when we mis-hear something, it doesn’t mean we don’t know His language and can’t hear Him!

Many people think learning a language is hard.  But God created us to be able to communicate and learn language.  It’s part of our basic structure.  By the time a child is 5 years old, he or she knows his language PERFECTLY.  She may still need to learn more irregulars, but the rules she has down and is solid.  She can’t add or subtract, she might still struggle with “left” vs “right” and tying her shoes, but she can take strings of words and put them together in a way that she’d never done before and had never heard before. 

And God also created us to be able to communicate with Him and understand what He’s saying.  He wants to speak to us!  He wants to speak to you!  He wants to speak to me!  In so many ways, on so many topics, He wants to speak.  He wants to have a conversation.  We just need to stop, start to listen, and practice hearing and recognizing His voice.

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